胶辊 , 橡胶套筒 , 液体硅胶辊 , 镜面辊 , 镀铬辊 , 弧形辊 , 喷砂辊


Hebei Lianxing polyurethane roller is a rubber roller made of polyurethane material coated with iron core. It is divided into polyester, polyether and polycaprolactone types according to the raw materials. The overall performance is between rubber and plastics, and the production process is mainly cast type. Lianxing polyurethane cots have excellent physical properties, good aging resistance, tear resistance, resilience and abrasion resistance. The compression and wear resistance are 3-5 times of that of natural rubber, and the service life is about 3 times of that of ordinary rubber cots under the same working environment. The hardness range is hsa15-hsd80. Polyurethane cots are widely used in many industries, such as grain processing industry, printing industry, steel industry, coating industry, plastic industry, mining industry and so on.
